What is Torch Vectorized ?

Torch Vectorized offers batched and vectorized operations on volume of 3x3 symmetric matrices with Pytorch and their associated differentiable torch.nn.Module layers. The current Pytorch’s implementation of batch eigen-decomposition is very slow when dealing with huge number of small matrices (e.g. 500k x 3x3). This library offers some basic functions like vSymEig, vExpm and vLogm for fast computation (>250x faster) of huge number of small matrices with Pytorch using an analytical solution.

See Ionescu et al., Matrix backpropagation for deep networks with structured layers, CVPR 2015 for details on the gradients computation


A quick closed-form solution for volumetric 3x3 matrices Eigen-Decomposition with Pytorch. Solves Eigen-Decomposition of data with shape Bx9xDxHxW, where B is the batch size, 9 is the flattened 3x3 symmetric matrices, D is the depth, H is the Height, W is the width. The goal is to accelerate the Eigen-Decomposition of multiple (>500k) small matrices (3x3) on GPU with Pytorch using an analytical solution.



Based on vSymEig, computes the matrix exponential for batch of volumetric 3x3 matrices.



Based on vSymEig, computes the matrix logarithm for batch of volumetric 3x3 matrices.


Install me

pip install torch-vectorized

How to use

import torch
from torchvectorized.utils import sym
from torchvectorized.vlinalg import vSymEig

# Random batch of volumetric 3x3 symmetric matrices of size 16x9x32x32x32
input = sym(torch.rand(16, 9, 32, 32, 32))

# Output eig_vals with size: 16x3x32x32x32 and eig_vecs with size 16,3,3,32,32,32
eig_vals, eig_vecs = vSymEig(input, eigen_vectors=True)

Packages and Modules

Indices and tables